Oral dysbiosis

As we age, the harmful bacteria in our dental plaque often become dominant. This is called oral dybiosis and it is the primary cause of cavities, the breakdown of crowns, bleeding gums, gum disease and tooth extractions in older adults.

Dysbiosis is particularly common in adults with diabetes, frailty, a muscular or cognitive inability to brush and floss their teeth, and in adults recently hospitalized, receiving homecare or with multiple chronic diseases.

Oral dysbiosis commonly persists after dental procedures such as fillings, dental cleanings and scaling. 1 This is why we get recurrent cavities or need frequent periodontal scaling. Additional dental treatment is needed to manage these ongoing infections in the mouth. This extra treatment is Prevora.

1 Kazuma Y et al. Dysbiosis of the oral microbiome persists after dental treatment-induced remission of periodontal disease and dental caries. mSystems. 2023. 8 (5); September-October
A magnification of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacteria which causes inflammation of the gums and throughout the body.
A magnification of Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria which causes cavities, breaks down crowns and which can trigger microbleeds in the brain.