In Canada, Prevora is covered by CDA procedure code 13601 and CDHA procedure code 00606. Dental plans which cover all procedure codes pay for Prevora. Moreover, the Canada Dental Care Plan introduced in March 2024, pays for the labour cost of 2 Prevora procedures per year with the possibility of more treatments via pre-determination. . This Plan is expected to cover up to 9 million Canadians by 2026 and is the largest dental plan in Canada by far.
Years of Prevora in Canadian dental practices show that Healthy Agers and other high-risk adults with limited or no insurance, are willing to pay for Prevora when it is recommended. CHX patient surveys show that 90% of Canadian adults expect their dental professional to advise them about more prevention, and 70%, regardless of risk, are interested to learn about Prevora. In the recent study of Ottawa seniors, 9 of 10 participants rated Prevora as being “very important” and 8 in 10 said it had a positive effect on their general health.
For more information on Prevora and its unique contribution to preventive oral healthcare, send an email to